On Tuesday I attended a tour of the Shinfield Nursery and
Infant school just down the street from our house. It’s on the opposite side of
a field so it is actually faster to walk over then to drive, it would be ideal
for Kellen. Every child in the UK gets 15 hours of Nursery school (preschool)
per week once they turn 3, now that Kellen is 2 ½ I figured it was time to get
him enrolled. So Kellen, Ella and I headed down to the school and took the
tour. It seems like I learn a few new things about this country each week, this
week I learned that an Infant school goes from Nursery through year 2 then kids
move on to Primary, I also learned that I’ve waited way to long so we are now
on a wait list for a spot at the school.
The early education system here in the UK is similar to the
US but has its differences. The 2 years of nursery school are foundation year 1
and foundation year 2. The first foundation year is what I would normally think
of as preschool. The activities are very child driven; they really focus on
just getting the kids into the routine of going to school and listening to a
teacher. The lessons are minimal although they do have music and work on art
projects. In foundation year 2 the school begins to prep the kids for school
and integrates them into the broader school a bit more. I was surprised to see
that by year 1, equivalent to our Kindergarten, the kids were already working
on literacy (reading) through phonics and many were doing some basic reading.
There are also nursery schools that are not combined with an infant school so
in that case the kids go to 2 years of nursery then straight into the primary
school. I really like the idea of having the school focus on just the very
young kids and a smooth transition into the first 2 years of primary school
before going into a school with kids as old as 10 or 11. We are officially on
the waitlist so I’ll continue to look at other local nursery schools and
hopefully by early April we’ll know for sure where Kellen will start in September.
As a side note the building has been a school for the last 300 years, I think
that’s kind of cool.
On Saturday we had an American family over for dinner, they
moved when their son was the same age as Kellen and have been here for 5 years
now. It’s interesting because their son has a British accent he developed
through school. I was curious about whether they used the American words for
things or the British, they are surprisingly different. In our house we have
already started using football instead of soccer to eliminate confusion when
Kellen is at his weekly football lesson but we don’t use any other British
words and I feel a bit silly saying rubbish bin instead of garbage can. Patrick
is the one that has picked up the most sayings but I think a lot of it is
middle school speak. Their son picked most of it up just through school and for
many things he only uses the British word, and since that’s what he calls it
the family follows. So maybe eventually we will all be saying torch instead of
flashlight. One tip they did give us is the word pants. Here pants means
underwear and they use the word trousers, for Kellen’s sake I’m trying to say
trousers so that he doesn’t get to school and about his pants getting dirty or something.
So if next Christmas when we’re home visiting we sound like Madonna
with slight British accents that sound kind of forced, just know that it’s for
Kellen’s sake and not us being pretentiousJ.
I still miss the little guy alot ,thanks for the updates. Patsy